Business Transformation

In Rubikon, we define business transformation as anything that affects or relates to a change in the business model of the entire company or its individual components. Specifically, it often involves outsourcing a major part of the product portfolio, relocation of operations, greenfield construction, branch exit or also systemic change such as ERP, MES, HRIS, etc.

Transformation projects are first carried out by an Information Memorandum, where we sign the necessary NDA with the corporation and also specify the framework in which we will obtain the information we need in the business case/feasibility study part of the change. At the end of this process we are able to assess the risks associated with the change and managing the transformation. This process is carried out over several months in order to achieve the best possible assessment of the situation and the design of a concrete plan for the implementation of the project.

Implementation consists of several attributes:


1. KPI Dashboard - definition of KPIs plus their interpretation, visualization in the right place and working within the management team.

2. Communication Campaign - the communication campaign is about getting to know the population that will be affected/affected by the change. Understand their views, organizational communication and what influences this population's satisfaction and loyalty to the company and management. It is important that the change is communicated transparently but also sensitively with respect to all stakeholders and results in an acceptable consensus by all parties.

3. Communication Plan - The communication plan is a set of specific routines at all levels necessary to ensure the execution of the project.

4. Project Governance - a set of rules and escalation rules in case to react quickly to new situations. Not everything can be estimated and defined in advance. It is necessary to keep calm and think of things as if they are new even during the project. In Rubikon, we see this as a very crucial condition for the success and proper management of a transformation project.

5. Steering Committee - correctly defining the stake holders and evaluators of the project and establishing a relationship with them is key to correctly assessing the situation and progress of the project. Of course, it is not possible in larger corporations to have detailed contact with ALL of the board. But knowing the needs of the Board and Steering Committee and communicating/addressing deviations and new facts in a timely manner is key.